Citizens Band radio in India

In India, Citizens Band (CB) is a system of short-distance radio communications between individuals on a selection of 40 channels within the 27 MHz (11 metre) band. Individual licensing regulations are allowing owners to operate a Citizens' Band radio on designated frequencies with an individual license.

Channel Assignments

The channel assignments in India are different from the bandplans used elsewhere. The Indian bandplan consists of 40 frequencies spaced a relatively tight eight kHz apart, plus a few offset channels used for mountaineering and radio-controlled devices. Also, many of the channels are reserved for specific purposes such as forestry, disaster relief, and sporting events. For More Info Visit The total range is 26.957-27.283 MHz.Moreover low power wireless equipment is allowed this "Citizen Band". Visit for more details

Indian CB channels [1]
Frequency Usage
26.964 Hobbyist comms
26.968 [offset] Mountaineering
26.972 Hobbyist comms
26.976 [offset] Mountaineering
26.980 Highway comms
26.988 spare
26.996 spare
27.004 Radio-controlled model aircraft
27.012 Rural comms
27.020 Radio-controlled devices, ex. garage door openers, alarms
27.028 Rural comms
27.036 Hobbyist comms
27.044 Highway emergency ( to contact police )
27.052 Highway emergency ( to contact EMS )
27.060 Marine lifesaving comms
27.068 Marine lifesaving comms
27.076 Disaster relief
27.084 Disaster relief
27.092 Forestry
27.100 Forestry
27.108 Radio-controlled devices, ex. garage door openers, alarms
27.116 Radio-controlled model aircraft
27.124 Hobbyist comms
27.132 spare
27.140 Mountaineering
27.148 Radio-controlled model aircraft
27.155 [offset] Radio-controlled models, general
27.156 Radio-controlled model aircraft
27.164 spare
27.172 Rural comms
27.180 spare
27.188 spare
27.196 spare
27.204 Mountaineering
27.212 Rural comms
27.220 Sports events
27.225 [offset] Radio-controlled models, general
27.228 Radio-controlled model aircraft
27.236 Highway comms
27.244 Sports events
27.250 [offset] Radio-controlled toys and gadgets
27.252 spare
27.260 Radio-controlled toys and gadgets
27.268 spare
27.276 spare

See also
